Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Bad Beginning

Author: Lemony Snicket

Main Characters: Violet, Klaus, Sunny, Mr. Poe, and Count Olaf.

The kids are very unlucky children. There parents die when there mansion catches on fire. They stayed with Mr. and Ms. Poe for a few nights until Mr. Poe found a relative nearby.

When they pulled up beside Count Olaf 's house, they were greeted by his neighbor Justice Strauss, who is a judge. Then the kids went to Count Olaf 's house. The kids didn't like Count Olaf 's from the beginning since they had gotten there. They got one room for three kids Violet and Klaus took turns sleeping on the bed that's matress was very lumpy.Sunny had to sleep on the curtains from the window. Everyday they had very difficult chores such as cleaning, cutting firewood, and cooking for Count Olaf 's theater troupe which has 10 people and they have to feed Count Olaf and themselves and they don't know how to cook, so they went over to Justice Strauss' becaus she has a big library so they could find some cookbooks that explained how to cook that food and what ingredients to use. The kids managed to make Putansecca Sauce. When Count Olaf got home him and his theater troupe were very hungry for Roast Beef but the Baudelaire Orphans didn't know he wanted Roast Beef so Cont Olaf just ate the Putansecca Sauce and drank lots of wine and got drunk. The next morning Count Olaf was very nice because he had a plan to steal the Baudelaire Fortune by putting on a play to mary Violet because the man that you marry controls your money. the kids just knewthey were going to be in the play but then later the kids thought and they knew his plan to steal the Baudelaire Fortune. The kids went to Justice Strauss' house and got a legal marriage book and that night Klaus stayed up all night to read the book. The next morning Klaus woke up and woke up Violet they went to wake up Sunny but she wasn't there, so they went to look everywhere Count Olaf looked in the room and told them to come to the backyard and there would be a suprise, so they went out there and seen Sunny in a cage hanging from the tower where the kids were forbidden to go. they would not let Sunny go until Violet said she would marry him so Violet said yes. When it came time for the show Violet was dressed in a marriagge gown. When Count Olaf said he took Violet to be his wife Violet said yes to so they would free Sunny. They signed the marriage papers and they went on. Count Olaf said tomorrow I will withdrawl all of the Baudelaire fortune. Mr. Poe said I will not allow that. Justice Strauss said Violet signed with her left hand when she is right handed. The marriage was illegal because she didn't sign with her right hand. Mr. Poe took the kids away from Count Olaf. The kids wanted to live with Justice Strauss but they had to follow there parents dreams so they had to find another relative to live with.

Monday, May 25, 2009

A Single Shard

Author: Linda Sue Park

Main Characters: Tree-ear, Min, and Craneman

Setting: A Korean Potters Village

Tree-ear is a young orphan boy who lives under the bridge with Craneman. In the beginning of the story Tree-ear was walking around the village when someone’s jiggeh (backpack) was leaking, so rice was falling out of it and so Tree-ear gathered the rice for him and Craneman when the person was around the bend.

Tree-ear sneaks around Potter Min’s house so he can watch him make vases. One day Tree-ear was sneaking around Potter Min’s pottery and he broke one of the pots. To pay back for what he broke Tree-ear has to work for Potter Min for nine days. Tree-ear started the next day and he had to go up the mountain to get wood. When Tree-ear was going down the mountain he fell and got a deep cut on his hand.

Tree-ear returns every morning and goes up the mountain to chop wood and then he goes to the kiln.
Tree-ear did his job for nine days and instead of stopping he asks to stay so that he can make a vase. He now collects clay. Soon the emissary arrives and would like Min to show his work to the court.

Potter Min sends Tree-ear to Songdo to show Potter Min’s work. The emissary signed Potter Min a commission.

When Tree-ear returned he was told that a farmer’s load was too heavy and it broke the rails of the bridge and Craneman died. Ajima and Potter Min asked Tree-ear to stay the night. Ajima and Potter Min gave Tree-ear a new name which was Hyung-gu and allowed Hyung-gu to live with them. Hyung-gu lived happily ever after and was taught how to make a vase.

Aunt Kelli picked this book out for me since it is based in Korea where we are moving. This book was very good and I would suggest you read this book.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Because of Winn-Dixie

Author: Kate DiCamillo

Setting(Where): Naomi, Florida

Main Characters(Who): Winn-Dixie the dog, Opal the little girl, the preacher

Main Ideas(What): Opal finds a dog in the Winn-Dixie grocery store. The grocery store was going to call the pound, but Opal claimed the dog as hers even though it was not. She named the dog after the grocery store. Winn-Dixie helped Opal make some unusual friends and Opal gave Winn-Dixie a happy home.

I liked the book because it was a story of a 10 year old girl and her dog. I have read this story numerous times and enjoy it more each time.