Thursday, April 5, 2012


Author-Scott Westerfield

Tally is about to turn 16. When you turn 16 in Uglyville, you undergo an operation that makes you pretty, and then you go live in New Pretty Town. Things go a little crazy a week before Tally's 16th birthday. Tally's friend Shay runs away, right before she is supposed to turn 16. Something then happens to Tally's operation plams. To find out what happens next, you have to read the book.

As soon as I finished this book, I had to get my hands on the sequel, Pretties. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys action and adventure. Scott Westerfield always finds a way to keep you wondering what is going to happen next. He also makes you keep reading. I did not want to put this book down.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Title- Twilight
Author- Stephenie Meyer
Characters- Bella, Edward, Jacob, Charlie, Renee
Setting- Forks, Washington

The book begins with Bella leaving Phoenix and going to live with her dad in Forks, Washington. She then meets Edward and they almost instantly fall in love. Soon she finds out that he is a vampire.

To find out what happens next, you have to read the book!!

This is a good book for readers who enjoy romance and action books.
I enjoyed it, but I think Harry Potter was better.